
When you see a happy younger women with an older guy by her side, it’s not all explained by daddy issues and money. But women literally grow up faster than guys do. Our prefrontal lobes literally develop faster than guys do. But an older guy can show you places or things that you never thought existed. He knows himself better after learning from his past relationships and now knows how to treat a woman properly. If you’re ready to stop mothering boys, and open yourself up to a real man, he’ll help you figure out how to be your own woman, which is the most valuable thing there is.

1. He’ll be able to anticipate your needs better than a younger guy, because he’s done the rounds, and understand that women are complicated creatures.

2. Along with knowing what you want, they know what they want. No confused nomad boys leaving you to “find themselves in Europe”. He knows he wants a relationship, and he wants it with you.

3. Being assertive is sexy and comes out of true wisdom with an older man, whereas with a younger man, being assertive comes off as being too controlling, and often is. It’s all about getting older and learning the difference.

4. He’ll have more experience in bed; he’ll actually pay attention to you, and last longer than five minutes. Afterwards, cuddling isn’t weird for him, it’s natural.

5. He also won’t be rude about your personal grooming habits.

6. And just more experience generally, physically and mentally since he’s been alive for longer than you.

7. He is more patient than a younger man.

8. He already has his career figured out.

9. Generally, he’ll just be more established and on the right track.

10. The chance of him ignoring you to play video games decreases a lot.

11. Same with doing juvenile things with his friends.

12. Most of his friends their age have a long term lady and/or kids, so dreaded sausage fest hangouts aren’t really a thing anymore.

13. You can do more cultured stuff; they will probably be less bored at things like art galleries and museums that you want to go to.

14. His date ideas will probably be actual things that make him cultured, rather than taking you to a cheap restaurant, or a low quality place. An older guy will take you to the best sushi place in town, that still isn’t too flashy.

15. His sense of humor will be a little more developed. Say goodbye to fart jokes and your guy thinking that it’s ok to burp the alphabet in a restaurant.

16. In the same line of this, his etiquette and social behavior will generally just be less embarrassing, because he’s had longer to practice it.

17. The conversation will probably be more stimulating than with a guy your age, or younger.

18. He will probably actually read books, instead of thinking that reading some menswear or sports blog counts as literary material.

19. They won’t bring up other girls. They get that it’s immature and not ok.

20. They’re just more well versed in boundaries and things that you shouldn’t do when you have a girlfriend.

21. A lot of the lessons they learned are from trial and error. They once made mistakes when they were young, like many of the young and bumbling twenty something year old suitors that you’ve taken on in the past. But you’d rather just fast forward and skip the error phase.

22. He’s not going to try to change you, or ask you to do anything in bed that you’re not comfortable with. Instead, he’ll appreciate you. A younger guy will be cockier and think its fine for him to take the lead and do what ever, but a more seasoned older gentleman will try to understand how to fully respect a lady, rather than getting his way.
When he gives you advice you can actually take it, because he’s lived some of these problems. He’s not just thinking hypothetically or thinking of a solution that will better him.

23. He will not live with his mom. If he does, get out of there ASAP. But the perks of dating an older guy with a more established position in life will show in house which he’s definitely willing to welcome you into. His house might even be nicer than yours.

24. Even though he’s older which might be awkward at first, he’ll be way better to bring around parents than a younger guy who they will trust less and find immature and inexperienced. They know an older guy can take care of their daughter better.

25. You’ll always kind of be out of his league, because of how youthful and gorgeous you are, which will always keep an older guy on his toes.



When you see a happy younger women with an older guy by her side, it’s not all explained by daddy issues and money. But women literally grow up faster than guys do. Our prefrontal lobes literally develop faster than guys do. But an older guy can show you places or things that you never thought existed. He knows himself better after learning from his past relationships and now knows how to treat a woman properly. If you’re ready to stop mothering boys, and open yourself up to a real man, he’ll help you figure out how to be your own woman, which is the most valuable thing there is.

1. He’ll be able to anticipate your needs better than a younger guy, because he’s done the rounds, and understand that women are complicated creatures.

2. Along with knowing what you want, they know what they want. No confused nomad boys leaving you to “find themselves in Europe”. He knows he wants a relationship, and he wants it with you.

3. Being assertive is sexy and comes out of true wisdom with an older man, whereas with a younger man, being assertive comes off as being too controlling, and often is. It’s all about getting older and learning the difference.

4. He’ll have more experience in bed; he’ll actually pay attention to you, and last longer than five minutes. Afterwards, cuddling isn’t weird for him, it’s natural.

5. He also won’t be rude about your personal grooming habits.

6. And just more experience generally, physically and mentally since he’s been alive for longer than you.

7. He is more patient than a younger man.

8. He already has his career figured out.

9. Generally, he’ll just be more established and on the right track.

10. The chance of him ignoring you to play video games decreases a lot.

11. Same with doing juvenile things with his friends.

12. Most of his friends their age have a long term lady and/or kids, so dreaded sausage fest hangouts aren’t really a thing anymore.

13. You can do more cultured stuff; they will probably be less bored at things like art galleries and museums that you want to go to.

14. His date ideas will probably be actual things that make him cultured, rather than taking you to a cheap restaurant, or a low quality place. An older guy will take you to the best sushi place in town, that still isn’t too flashy.

15. His sense of humor will be a little more developed. Say goodbye to fart jokes and your guy thinking that it’s ok to burp the alphabet in a restaurant.

16. In the same line of this, his etiquette and social behavior will generally just be less embarrassing, because he’s had longer to practice it.

17. The conversation will probably be more stimulating than with a guy your age, or younger.

18. He will probably actually read books, instead of thinking that reading some menswear or sports blog counts as literary material.

19. They won’t bring up other girls. They get that it’s immature and not ok.

20. They’re just more well versed in boundaries and things that you shouldn’t do when you have a girlfriend.

21. A lot of the lessons they learned are from trial and error. They once made mistakes when they were young, like many of the young and bumbling twenty something year old suitors that you’ve taken on in the past. But you’d rather just fast forward and skip the error phase.

22. He’s not going to try to change you, or ask you to do anything in bed that you’re not comfortable with. Instead, he’ll appreciate you. A younger guy will be cockier and think its fine for him to take the lead and do what ever, but a more seasoned older gentleman will try to understand how to fully respect a lady, rather than getting his way.
When he gives you advice you can actually take it, because he’s lived some of these problems. He’s not just thinking hypothetically or thinking of a solution that will better him.

23. He will not live with his mom. If he does, get out of there ASAP. But the perks of dating an older guy with a more established position in life will show in house which he’s definitely willing to welcome you into. His house might even be nicer than yours.

24. Even though he’s older which might be awkward at first, he’ll be way better to bring around parents than a younger guy who they will trust less and find immature and inexperienced. They know an older guy can take care of their daughter better.

25. You’ll always kind of be out of his league, because of how youthful and gorgeous you are, which will always keep an older guy on his toes.

8 Ways to maintain good friendship.


Developing and maintaining friendships is a very important aspect of our lives. No matter what we do and where we are in life, we cannot underestimate the power of having our good friends standing right by us.

Below are some tips that should help you sustain good friendships.

1 Experience friends’ milestones

The milestones such as birthdays, wedding, childbirth and other big events in our lives usually stand out in our memories for as long as we live. When we think about them, we also think about the people who were there to share the day with us. So, to make sure your friends think about you fondly when they think about their milestones, be sure you are available for them at this time. Try as much as you can to be with them and it will certainly strengthen your bond.

2 Make a standing date

Just like you reserve special time with the people you are in a relationship with, you should also do this for your friends. Choose a reasonable frequency of time (weekly, monthly, etc.) when you make time out for each other, catch up and hang out together.

3 Improving communication

No relationship (family, friends, romantic) will stay strong if you lack communication. Make sure you have an open channel of communication with your friends and make sure they feel comfortable enough to talk to you about anything.

Communication leads to community, that is, to understanding, intimacy and mutual valuing. It is actually the human connection, a key to personal and relationship success.

4 Make the effort to keeping friends

We all lead busy lives and it is understandable that some parts of our lives could fall into the cracks. But if your friendship is important to you, make the effort to maintain it even if it sometimes mean sacrificing something else.

5 Meet important people

Another way to maintain your place in your friend’s life is to make sure you know the people that are important to them. Know their close family members, other close friends and the people they are in relationships with. Also, introduce your friends to the important people in your life. Create an avenue where you all meet so that you feel a part of your friend’s life and vice versa.

6 Experience new things

Another way to strengthen your friendship is to make time out to experience new things together. Friendships get old quickly if you keep doing the same old things. Hang out in new places, do new things, meet new people, etc. This will help keep the excitement.

7 Be there for your friends

Being a friend does not mean just being there during the good times, make sure you are there when times are not so good too. Hold their hands, give a hug and speak words of encouragement, whatever is needed. Try your best to make sure they do not face challenging times alone.

8 Appreciate your friends

We all want to feel like our efforts are being appreciated, so make sure your friend knows he/she is appreciated. Let them know how important you take the friendship and how much you are grateful to have them in your life.Life could get hectic, relationships could get challenging, but when done right, you could have and maintain a friendship that will last forever.



It is common knowledge that men love being petted. Lol. Here are some things men love to hear from their women. It reassures them and strengthens their confidence.

☆ “I have so much respect for you” :One of the things men value most is being respected.

☆ “You make me feel happy” : Any man who is in a relationship will be striving to be source of happiness in his woman’s life. Make sure he realizes that he is.

☆ “Thank you” : Show him that you appreciate what he does for you. Even the simplest things, notice and recognize it.

☆ “You’re handsome” : Saying handsome rather than cute adds a certain level of intimacy that men don’t hear often. Let him know how good-looking he really is with this simple compliment :).

☆ “I am sorry” : Ladies, I know we don’t like to admit when we are wrong. Sometimes, the best thing to do is to own up and swallow our mistakes.

☆ “You are right” : When he is right, it is nice to tell him,  especially if you were arguing. It’ll make him feel good.

☆ “I believe in you” :One of the biggest things that make a guy melt is when his partner supports him and believes him. It will make him feel like a superhero…lol

Ladies, how often do you say these things to the man you love? Let’s try them and see what comes of it.



Not all that glitters is gold. There are times when you think you’ve found the real deal, when in fact, you’re faced with a fake. Whether it’s a fake Fendi, a fake friend or a fake orgasm, the hype can sometimes make you want to believe that it’s the real thing.

Sadly, some men have ways of faking their devotion to you, but only for the sole purpose of getting into your pants. A lot of women can fall for the sweet words, the little gifts and the promises of forever, only to see him scurrying away the moment she sleeps with him.

How to know if he’s faking love to have sex with you

We’re not here to make you lose faith in men. But we can’t just sit back and watch as women are manipulated, tricked and lied to by men who just want to get some action. Below are some ways to spot a guy that only wants to hit it and quit it.

#1 He never takes you out on a real date. One thing a guy that is serious about you does is take you out on dates. Real dates. If you’re currently talking to a guy or hooking up with a guy who never once has asked you out on a real date, this is a huge red flag. Asking you to meet up for drinks at 9pm doesn’t count as a date.
When a guy really likes you, he wants you to know, and he wants to spoil you and show you off. If he’s not taking you to dinner, or lunch, not even once, you might want to reconsider wasting any more of your time with him.

#2 He never sleeps over or lets you stay over. If you’ve ever seen the movie Bridesmaids, then you are familiar with the scene when Kristin Wiig’s character and John Hamm’s character have just hooked up, and she wakes up the next morning realizing it’s the first time he’s let her stay the night, only for him to tell her he didn’t mean for her to and that he wants her to leave, because he has a busy day. If the guy you’re talking to is like this, then he’s not serious about you.

#3 He never communicates with you during the day. When you’re in a healthy relationship and the guy you’re dating actually cares about you, then he will care enough to communicate with you and see what you’re doing, during the day and at night. I don’t mean he needs to check in with you or you with him 24/7, but he should be doing something as simple as sending you a text or calling you on your lunch break, just to let you know he cares.

If you’re currently hooking up with a guy or talking to a guy who never once actually calls you or checks in with you during the day, and the only time you hear from him is usually on the weekend or late at night, then the reality is he’s not serious about you, but he does enjoy having sex with you.

#4 He’s only a night caller. If the guy you’re seeing only calls you late at night, and never during the day. And when he does call, it always involves him wanting you to come over, he’s not actually in it for love. He doesn’t actually want to be with you, unless it’s under the sheets. If you want to be a hookup, then fine, keep seeing him after dark. But if you want real relationships, real love, and real feelings in your life, it’s time you give him back to the wolves.

#5 He never introduces you. A guy who really wants to be with you will be proud of you, take you on dates, and will want to introduce you to his family and friends. When a guy really likes you, he’ll make it a point to introduce you to anyone you guys might run into when you’re out together. If you’re always referred to as “just a friend,” or you never even meet anyone he knows, then you’re just a hookup he’d rather keep in the dark.

#6 He’s uninterested in your family or friends. If the guy you’re currently spending time with doesn’t care to hear anything about your family, your friends, or the story about your family dog, it’s safe to say he only cares about hooking up with you.

#7 He always wants to just hook up. If and when you do hang out with your guy, and the only thing he ever wants to do is hook up, then you should probably realize this is a huge red flag. It’s great to hook up and be romantic with someone you like, but if your guy only wants to hook up with you and never do anything else, ever, it’s time to accept the fact he’s just not that into you at all. If the only thing your guy ever mentions involves you two, naked and getting it on, it’s time you get loose of the loser!

#8 Alcohol is always involved. As I’ve said before, if the guy you’re seeing invites you to meet up for drinks and never actually takes you out on a real date, then he’s not interested in being anything other than f*ck buddies. If the only times he actually does ask you to hang out in a public setting involves meeting up at a bar, or anything involving alcohol, then once again, realize these red flags and take them for what they are: signs he isn’t interested in you other than hooking up.

#9 You always initiate. There is nothing sexy about desperation. I understand that we all want love and to be loved in return. Unfortunately, one way you will never get what you actually want is if you’re desperate. If you are constantly the one asking to hang out, or initiating hanging out by dangling having sex, then of course he’ll want to hang out with you, because you’re more enjoyable for him to get off to than his right hand.

If you are always the one asking to hang out, you look desperate, and of course, he considers you as an easy lay since when you do hang out, you always have sex. If he’s never the one calling up and asking you to hang out, stop being so desperate and wasting your time on this guy. He’s not worth it.

#10 He doesn’t want you to be friends on social media. In today’s society, what people see on social media are often fairly accurate representations of who they are in real life. And if the guy insists on not being friends on social media, then it’s a pretty blunt way of saying he doesn’t really want you in his life… at least as far as other people know.

Most of the time, we already know the answers to our questions, especially when it comes to relationships and doubts. We tend to ignore what we already know, seeking answers to our questions elsewhere, in hopes that maybe we’ll get a different answer, or hear what we want to hear, instead of what we need to hear.

The reality is that no matter how many times you ask yourself the same question, or how many people you seek advice from; the answer will usually be the same, always. If you have doubts about the guy you’re currently seeing, and thinking he might not be into you as much as you are into him, you’re probably right.

Don’t be the kind of woman who mistakes sex and intimacy for love. Men can fake it just as well as a woman can fake an orgasm. If you have doubts about whether the guy you’re seeing is really into you.


Coming Home…

How simple my life is now you are here,
How I cherish each breath,
How I crave the light and laughter you have brought me.
I have fallen in love without taking a step,
Fallen into the sweetest of dreams,
How I hope no one wakes me.
The simplest gesture wraps itself around my heart,
Where I will hold it forever.

Each time we say goodbye a part of me weeps,
Though I know it is not forever
To my aching soul it is an eternity.
I see my happiness shine in your eyes,
Every time you hold my hand my heart skips a beat.
How sweet life is to be yours;
How meaningless life is without you.

They know nothing of the loneliness before you
Nothing of the empty tears I cried day after day,
How did you do it, I ask myself,
How did you banish the fear, the darkness?
You have made me see that nothing is that bad,
That I am strong and worthy of happiness,
You have saved me from myself.

Everyday I wake up and smile to myself
Knowing you are waiting for me,
Knowing you can’t wait to see me.
How would I go on if you were not there to hold me up,
To bless me with your love and light?
How I am glad you have found me
My life is now complete…
I am home.



Is it love, or is it just attachment?

We all have those friends who jump from relationship to relationship, and each time, they are “totally and completely in love.
For those of us who have been single longer than two of their relationships combined, we can’t help but wonder how someone can possibly be “in love” with all these people.

I mean, come on. It’s not love. It’s fear of being alone. Right?

Yes. And no. I mean we can’t calculate love any more than we can election polls. It’s just something you get a feeling about.

But what if your feeling is wrong? What if you’re just so damn scared of being alone that anyone who comes close to making you feel safe and secure feels like your soulmate?

You know those relationships you got out of, and after a few months, you couldn’t believe you ever said those three beautiful words to someone you wouldn’t want to be seen with today? How could you love someone so grotesque? Someone so not your type? Someone so shallow?

Well, it’s usually because it wasn’t love. It was attachment.

I have no real insight in knowing if your love is real or if it’s just insecurity masked in AXE body spray, but I can give you some general pointers. They’re the kind of pointers to show your friend because she’s becoming way too attached to that douchebag you thought for sure would be a one-night stand.

Because you don’t want to attend a wedding where the only thing the bride has to say about the groom is that “he’s always there.” And if you’re not sure about your own love motives, take a look at the list to decipher if what you’re doing is worth all the time invested.

1. Love is passionate; attachment is apathetic

They say the closest feeling to love is hate, hence why after you break up with someone, all that beautiful, selfless love turns into raging, passionate, inexplicable hate.

When you’re just attached to someone, however, you never really get that rage. You get paranoia, anxiety and moments of irritation, but you don’t let those anxious feelings confuse you for something as beautiful and important as real hate.

2. Love is selfless; attachment is self-centered

When you’re in love, it’s all about the other person. For the first time in your life, you want to put someone else’s needs before your own.

When it’s just attachment, you just want someone to be there before you. You’re not looking out for him or her — you’re looking out for you.

The only reason you’re buying this person new bedding from Bed Bath & Beyond is so you don’t have to sleep alone anymore. Everything you do for your partner is a little bit about you.

3. Love is hard; attachment is only difficult when you’re apart

Real love is never easy. You’d think it would be because it’s so pure and beautiful, but anything that intense and life-changing takes work. You must foster it and keep it nourished.

With attachment, there’s nothing to grow and feed; it’s just about how many times you can see each other in a week.

You need this person the same way you need a fix. It’s not growing, blooming or changing into another dimension. Like any drug, the high is not long-term, and you will come down.

4.Love is freeing; attachment is possessive

When you’re in love, you don’t need to see the person to feel safe. You don’t need to be with this person to understand how he or she feels. You never wonder about your love’s affection and never get jealous.

When it’s just attachment, you never have a true hold on your partner’s feelings because the only time you feel safe is when you’re with him or her. When you’re apart, you can’t help but wonder what, or who, he or she is doing.

If they’re also just attached, doesn’t that mean they need someone to attach to?

5. Love is empowering; attachment is all about power

There’s nothing like real love to make you feel like you can do anything. It gives you a new sense of freedom, a rejuvenated energy. You’re alive and ready to take on the world.

When it’s just an attachment, it becomes a power struggle. You want to make sure you’re the one in the relationship who doesn’t get left. You’re the one calling the shots, and you’re the one with the key to the handcuffs.

6. Love is timeless; attachment is timed

When you’re in love — and I mean really in love — that’s it. Whether it works out or not, this person will always be the love of your life.

Attachment doesn’t work like that. Attachment is always on a deadline, always on standby. Attachment isn’t real — it’s like a limbo for real love.

One of these days, one of you is going to find that real love and all that attachment you placed on each other will fall off as quickly as you put it on.

Real love doesn’t fall off; it stays with you forever.



You might have heard the term, understand what it means, know when it could begin – but find yourself locked in one!
You know…deleting text/email messages from a certain person, so your spouse doesn’t see them on your phone. Of course this individual is just your “colleague” and besides, your partner knows they exist. But the question is, does your spouse know the extent of this “harmless” relationship?

It’s not as innocent as you think.
In my opinion, emotional affairs are just as deadly – if not more – as physical affairs. About 75% of spouses polled in a study about infidelity, admitted to having no emotional attachment to the person they cheated with – “it was all about the sex” they said.

People take off their clothes and have sex everyday – it’s normal, but when you open your heart to someone and share the most intimate things: your fears, your vision, your hopes, your dreams, that’s being totally naked. Most couples are able to recover from the effects of a physical affair, while most in emotional affairs, never did.

While it hurts…here’s something that hurts just as deep!

Forging a relationship with someone and giving them a part of yourself that you can’t seem to give to your spouse anymore, is very dangerous (I tell you more here). You notice a man/woman who seems to act different, talk different and more importantly treat you different than your spouse, and can’t help but develop feelings for them. You do whatever it takes to be around that person.

You’ve given your heart away to the wrong person.

By the time you realize, it’s too late as the fantasy of being with them and the “joy” you feel around them is so overwhelming that you become so miserable because you know, “I can’t just walk away from my spouse!” So you keep living…between the devil and the deep blue sea.

This is never a way to live!

So what do you do and how can you fix this deep hole you’ve successfully dug for yourself – it’s not that your partner is treating you bad, they are: just too lazy, cheated on you, gained too much weight, too uncaring, don’t notice anything you do, not appreciative, emotionally unavailable and don’t make the butterflies in your stomach flutter like they used to – how can you cope with all this?

You need to tell yourself the truth…

First you need to ask yourself, “What do I feel is lacking in my relationship that is causing me to want someone else who tends to give it me” (this of course is subjective because you haven’t put that person in the SAME position as your spouse)? In any case, write them down.


On another sheet of paper, write down the good attributes of your spouse. Don’t leave anything out. Write everything! “He always takes out the trash” “She is a great mother” “He supports his family with all he has” etc. Encourage your spouse to do the same exercise and then take each other’s “negative attributes” sheet and discuss a way to fix those areas of your life.

This leads to a level of vulnerability that will help your marriage grow.

Most times, couples having emotional affairs haven’t had a chance to share their true feelings with their spouse in a way that creates dialog. Most times, the conversation leads towards more battle and gridlock. The issue here is the way in which you both communicate – it isn’t very effective in sending your message across to your emotions “

How To Master Effective Communication And Conflict Resolution In Your Relationship”.

Listen to it together; in the car on your drive to work, at home, exercising etc. It’ll teach you how to have this very difficult conversation without any drama.

You can bet your bottom dollar on it!

So if you are looking forward to seeing that man/woman that seems to understand you better than your spouse does, newsflash, you’d be surprised that with tables turned, and this same person in your home, that there is no such thing as a perfect spouse. All you can do is work together with what you have, fix any issues you are facing with your spouse and remain committed to the process.

You’ve got it all!

Stop looking for emotional satisfaction outside your spouse. There’s nothing else out there but more hurt and drama. Remember, no one is perfect!

To know more about emotional affairs, watch this insightful video or read this article. 

I’d love to hear from you, ask your questions, share your views, comment, like and share this with your friends. You never know what people are dealing with. Relationships are very “sacred” in our society and no one likes to talk about their issues. That’s ok! No one has to know, just send it to their email, or social media message box. You never know what your involvement will do to help.


life No matter how “busy” a person’s day may be. If they “really care”, they’ll always find time for you.No one can stop you doing anything, the choices you make are yours, & the consequences will be yours as well.I thank God for protecting me from what I thought I wanted and blessing me with what I didn’t know I needed.Sometimes you gotta accept the fact that certain things will never go back to how they used to Everybody has gone through something that has changed them in a way that they could never go back to the person they once,Sometimes, you need to be alone. Not to be lonely, but to you have to live life without any limits, because you’ll never know when your time comes. So live, laugh and most importantly be happy,enjoy your free time being yourself. Honestly, l feel really stupid for holding on to things that just keep on hurting me. Giving up is just taking the easy way out. Nothing worth having in life is meant to be easy. It might be hard, but it’s worth it One mistake and everyone judges you..why do some people act like they’re better than everybody else…Put God first and you’ll never be last.


black3Black is beautiful I don’t care what anyone says about being. Black. Simple. Beautiful. Classic .Who is going to tell Black boys that they are beautiful, caring, and loving?black people are so beautiful I will never understand how anyone can talk so poorly about them. Their skin complexion is so wow  Provided you are on the right path. Don’t get discouraged when people don’t see things the way you do.Black is beautiful, you are you bleaching yourself? Yellow is just a fashion.. will come n go but u will stay bleached foreva! African culture is beautiful # Black is beautiful don’t let anyone tell you differently.Black is beautiful. Black is strong. Black is African. Black is a unique culture.  Beautiful is a song dedicated to all the Beautiful African ladies. it’s a song that is lyrically endowed and garnished for your emotional needs. its an evergreen song that has come to stay. Enjoy as you listen.Being black is the most beautiful thing on earth to me the black culture is so overwhelming beautiful and strong, its sometimes taken for granted by so many ignorant people.My black is beautiful because “it’s not a badge of shame, but rather a symbol of national greatness” blackskin# Black is powerful, elegant and beautiful#madeofblack.